Wednesday, 12/11/19 @ 7pm
PowerPoint presentation: “Grog!”
~ a hilarious look at the most famous drink afloat,
with audience drinking participation in 10 naval toasts
from the Canadian, U.S. and Royal navies
Meetings held @ Lake Clarke Shores Town Hall
1701 Barbados Road / Lake Clarke Shores, FL 33406
For more information contact:
Gerridine LaRovere, President
Tel # 561-967-8911

The Friends of the Boca Raton Libraries
Welcome Robert N. Macomber
Thursday, 12/12/19 @ 6:30pm
Topic: “Yachts That Went To War”
Downtown Library / 400 NW 2nd Ave. Boca Raton, FL 33432
This presentation will explore the story of elegant yachts,
focusing on four poignant tales about vessels which were turned
into warships during the Spanish-American War.
Amazingly, some of these incredible ships served our country for decades!
~~ Tel # (561) 393-7852 for more info ~~
You Are All Invited To
Readers and friends from near and far will come out just to hear me
sound the conch shell at sunset for this raucous book party
on Friday, 12/13/19 from 5pm to 7pm.
Sip a little of this, taste a little of that, and make a huge dent in
your holiday shopping while having tons of fun!
4332 Pine Island Rd. {next to the Matlacha Bridge}
tel # 239-283-1335 to reserve signed copies

The Friends of Lakes Regional Library
Friday, 01/10/20@ 1pm
Topic: “The Cuba I Know and Love”
Join me as I speak about my years of researching inside Cuba,
with a photo journey to accompany my presentation.
[book signing to follow discussion]
15290 Bass Rd. Ft. Myers, FL 33919
Tel # 239-533-4000 to learn more
Estero Island Historical Society
at St. Raphael’s Episcopal Church
[5601 Williams Drive / Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931]
Call EIHS # 239-463-0435 for details
Monday, 01/13/20 @ 7pm
Topic: “The Sailor Who Changed History”
Join me to learn the real story of master navigator and explorer
Christopher Columbus, his four history-making voyages
which yielded triumph and treachery,
and the mysteries which surround him to this very day.