A last minute uncontrollable change in WJCT’s plans bumped my appearance on the Thursday, 9/03/15 show to Monday, 9/14/15 instead ~ sorry for any confusion!
I’ll be one of the guests on this show!
Tune in or join the conversation:
- Call: (904) 549-2937 (Note: This line is only active during the program, 9:00-10:00 a.m.)
- Tweet: @MelissainJax
- Email: firstcoastconnect@wjct.org
- Comment on Facebook at First Coast Connect
Hosted by Melissa Ross, this one-hour call-in program features local newsmakers, civic and community leaders, arts, activities and more, along with spot news features and a weekly roundtable of local journalists.

Register for this event as a part of the FL Heritage Book Festival Writers Conference:
Luncheon Keynote address “Getting Into Character: Personal Tales of Research and Adventures” by Robert Macomber:
From eye-opening discoveries to humorous calamities, Macomber will entertain you with his lighthearted tales of researching and writing novels. Gain insight into the extensive efforts to illuminate significant events of world history which lie within his maritime thrillers.