THE GREAT ARMADAS: the story of Spain’s fabled Treasure Fleets, which brought the riches of the world home to Sevilla, and made Spain the most powerful nation in the world 500 years ago. Learn of the men who sailed them, the men who tried to capture them, and their perilous connection with Florida.
Where: Shell Point Community; the Grand Cypress Room in The Woodlands [15101 Shell Point Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33908]
Dates: May 10th
When: 10am to 11:30am [a different topic each day]
Contact: Call tel # 239-489-8472 to reserve your spot
Cost: $10 per person per session

YACHTS THAT WENT TO WAR: learn about yachts from the Gilded Age, which were turned into warships during the Spanish-American War. In 1898, the United States Navy needed more ships, and they needed them quickly to fight the Spanish in Cuba. Turning to America’s yachtsmen, thirty-eight elegant yachts became warships. Many went into combat and several became famous, with careers lasting decades. This is their amazing story.
Where: Shell Point Community; the Grand Cypress Room in The Woodlands [15101 Shell Point Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33908]
Dates: May 17th
When: 10am to 11:30am [a different topic each day]
Contact: Call tel # 239-489-8472 to reserve your spot
Cost: $10 per person per session
The Lee County Genealogical Society Summer Picnic [Private]
Thursday, 7/21/16 @ 11:30am-1:30pm
Lunch, Talk Topic: “Planning A Research Trip” & Book Signing
Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
8260 Cypress Lake Drive Ft. Myers, FL 33919
Email genhelp@lcgsfl.org for info
[new date: January 30, 2017]

Shell Point’s Academy on The Go presents Robert Macomber for a two hour boating presentation:
“Steaming Back into Time on the Peace River” ~ a voyage back into history
on the fabled Peace River with stories of Charlotte Harbor and the Peace River
during the Civil War; learning about the Kentucky colonel who created
the town of Punta Gorda after the war; finding out how
a railroad mogul from Connecticut made it the major town in the region;
and discovering facts about a special kind of rock in the Peace River Valley
which created untold wealth at the end of the 1800s.