I hope you’ll join me in December to experience exotic, beautiful Cuba. You’ll understand why I love the people and history there so much. I’m ready to go back! Rest assured, our tour complies with all the new federal rules as of June 2017.
Onward & Upward, my friends …
This will be our 2nd Havana Reader Rendezvous,
and here’s a video from the Inaugural trip we did in June of 2016:
I hope you’ll join me in December to experience exotic, beautiful Cuba. You’ll understand why I love the people and history there so much. I’m ready to go back! Rest assured, our tour complies with all the new federal rules as of June 2017.
Onward & Upward, my friends …
This will be our 2nd Havana Reader Rendezvous,
and here’s a video from the Inaugural trip we did in June of 2016:
I hope you’ll join me in December to experience exotic, beautiful Cuba. You’ll understand why I love the people and history there so much. I’m ready to go back! Rest assured, our tour complies with all the new federal rules as of June 2017.
Onward & Upward, my friends …
This will be our 2nd Havana Reader Rendezvous,
and here’s a video from the Inaugural trip we did in June of 2016:
I hope you’ll join me in December to experience exotic, beautiful Cuba. You’ll understand why I love the people and history there so much. I’m ready to go back! Rest assured, our tour complies with all the new federal rules as of June 2017.
Onward & Upward, my friends …
This will be our 2nd Havana Reader Rendezvous,
and here’s a video from the Inaugural trip we did in June of 2016:
I hope you’ll join me in December to experience exotic, beautiful Cuba. You’ll understand why I love the people and history there so much. I’m ready to go back! Rest assured, our tour complies with all the new federal rules as of June 2017.
Onward & Upward, my friends …
This will be our 2nd Havana Reader Rendezvous,
and here’s a video from the Inaugural trip we did in June of 2016:

Readers and friends from near and far will come out just to hear me
sound the conch shell at sunset for this raucous book party
on Friday, 12/08/17 from 5pm to 7pm.
Sip a little of this, taste a little of that, and finish
all of your holiday shopping while having tons of fun!
4332 Pine Island Rd. {next to the Matlacha Bridge}
tel # 239-283-1335 to reserve signed copies
Wednesday, 12/13/17 @ 6:30pm
PowerPoint presentation: “Blood Money: The Caribbean’s Crucial Role In The Civil War”
A comprehensive look at the important role the European colonies in the Caribbean
played during the U.S. Civil War. From the earliest days to the very end,
many minds in Richmond and Washington were on places
we now think of as resort destinations.
Meetings held @ Scottish Rite Masonic Center
2000 North “D” Street
Lake Worth, FL 33460
For more information contact:
Gerridine LaRovere, President
Tel # 561-967-8911
Preserving The Past For The Future
Join me on my home island at MOTI’s annual meeting
Monday, 1/08/18 @ 7pm
[book signing to follow talk]
Topic: “Yellow Jack: Florida’s Curse and Asset In The Civil War”
This will be a fascinating look at how Yellow Fever decimated the Union Navy’s
blockading squadron in Florida in 1864, including on this very coast.
You’ll also learn about my connection to what happened!
held at Fishers of Men Lutheran Church
10360 Stringfellow Rd. St James City, FL 33956
Tel # 239-283-1525

The Military Officers Association of SW Florida
PowerPoint presentation: “Florida’s Crucial Role In The Spanish-American War”
Learn how this war changed the USA from a continental country
into a global power and how close we came to losing this war in Cuba.
Marvel at the fascinating personalities who led the way
and the related places of interest you can visit today.