January 21, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Useppa Island Club hosting an event for Florida author Robert N. Macomber

The Useppa Island Historical Society & Barbara Sumwalt Museum 
Welcomes Author and Historian Robert N. Macomber 

January 21, 2023 [Saturday] @ 5:30pm 

PowerPoint Topic: “The Patriot and The Widow” 
(PowerPoint) – This is a fascinating, non-fiction tale of a young 
mixed-marriage couple who became pro-Union refugees 
on SW Florida’s Useppa Island during the American Civil War. 
It’s a story of love, war, the bitter-sweet Christmas of 1863,
and a woman’s incredible resiliency against daunting odds,
with a poignant legacy which has lasted until this very day.

For more info, contact Rona Stage <RonaSage@Useppahs.org
call the Barbara Sumwalt Museum tel # 239-283-9600


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